Iceland has no borders with another country. The closest landmass is Greenland (287 km away), and the European continent is 970 km distant (the closest point being Norway)...
This romantic, seven-room country inn is not far from the infamous Eyjafjallajökull volcano, the one whose 2010 eruption proved to be a week-long nightmare for air-traffic over Europe...
The place to stay if, during your adventure in Iceland, you'd prefer to spend the night in a place that is also adventurous – in terms of both its architecture and the natural world outside...
When driving along the southern coast of Iceland, it's definitely worth making a pit stop in the humble city of Selfoss for lunch, at its most well-known (and almost only) restaurant, Tryggvaskáli...
Rauda Husid (The Red House) is a restaurant/end-destination-in-itself for those who wish to dine on Iceland's famous lobster. It is located in the smallish fishing village of Eyrarbakki...