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Cobblestone streets, RigaTwo Eisensteins, RigaRainis and Aspazija, RigaBearslayer, Riga
Two Eisensteins, Riga
Already at daybreak on Albert Street - Alberta iela - in the elegant residential neighbourhood known as the Quiet Centre (klusais centrs...Cabinet of Folksongs of folklorist Krišjānis Barons (Krišjāņa Barona dainu skapis), Riga
Back in the late 19th century, a bearded, Latvian intellectual named Krišjānis Barons began to tour the countryside and to write down the words...Freedom Monument, Riga
Even the most cynical Latvians retain some reverence for the Freedom Monument, one of Riga's central landmarks. Unveiled in 1935 and financed...Bearslayer, Riga
Bearslayer (Lāčplēsis) is Latvia's mythological strongman, whose superhuman exploits have been recounted to practically all Latvian children for as far back as...Cobblestone streets, Riga
Cobblestones have covered Riga's streets for more than five centuries. They are simultaneously loved (real Rigans sometimes call themselves cobblestone kids)...Eduards Smiļģis, Riga
"The more fantastic, the more fervent, the bolder - the better!" This was the formula for the art of Eduards Smiļģis (1886-1966), the legendary reformer...Mittens, Riga
The Latvians of yore must have been fashion-conscious. For them, mittens were more than merely functional objects to keep the hands warm...Latvian commemorative cemetery rituals (Kapu svētki), Riga
Latvians have a deeply rooted tradition of paying their respects to their deceased family members, in the form of annual, commemorative...Painter Vilhelms Purvītis (1872-1945), Riga
Vilhelms Purvītis laid the foundation for Latvian landscape painting and is perhaps Latvia's best known and most popular painter...Latvian money, Riga
In terms of design, the Latvian lat is one of the more unusual and attractive currencies in the Western world. Storks, ants, mushrooms, chimneysweeps...Pine trees, Riga
Pine is the most common species of tree in Latvia. This means that it is sometimes possible to be in the woods and in the city simultaneously...Rainis and Aspazija, Riga
This married couple stands at the heart of Latvian literature. Rainis (1865-1929) was a poet, dramatist, politician, and prominent social...Birches, Riga
Birch trees, like Latvians, are survivalists of a sort. A birch tree will survive even if its neighbouring trees wither. Its silvery beauty and the warmth...ABOUT US • CONTACTS • RSS • FOLLOW US:
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