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Neputns, RigaVēsture, RigaPlanēta, RigaJumava, Riga
Neputns, Riga
A certain book-generated calmness rules the atmosphere at the store of the Neputns publishing house, the best-known publisher of Latvian art books...Vēsture, Riga
This second-hand bookstore is the farthest from the historical centre of the city, but its name - which translates as...Planēta, Riga
A basement in the courtyard between Krišjāņa Barona and Tērbatas Streets, next door to the JRT theatre, is home...Jāņa Sēta map shop, Riga
Jāņa Sēta is one of only a few hundred specialized map and tourist literature shops around the globe. In fact, it has...Jumava, Riga
After several years in the Old Town of Riga, the former „Central Antique Bookstore", like most other book shops...Robert’s Books, Riga
One of the newest second-hand bookshops in the very centre of Old Riga, not far from the Saeima (Parliament) building...ABOUT US • CONTACTS • RSS • FOLLOW US:
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