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La Paradeta, BarcelonaEl Mama, La Papa, BarcelonaGaig, Barcelona

Enigma, Barcelona

Renowned Catalonian chef Albert Adrià’s new restaurant, Enigma, provides an exceptional experience both gastronomically and in the realm of interior design...

Hoja Santa, Barcelona

Forget Tex-Mex, pure Mexican food in all its flavourful glory is the newest source of inspiration in the world of cuisine. Throw out any and all preconceived biases you may have acquired from cheap so-called “Mexican” fast-food...

PAKTA, Barcelona

Adrià brothers (Ferran and Albert) in Barcelona continue to develop more down-to-earth version of haute cuisine, a trend started by their tapa bar Tickets in...

Tintoreria Dontell, Barcelona

Barcelona has not been immune to the rage in secret restaurants spreading across Europe. Pop-ups and supposedly secret addresses...

Restaurant En Ville, Barcelona

One of the most charming places to have lunch in Barcelona. A you cross its threshold, you get the feeling of arriving at an enclosed...

La Paradeta, Barcelona

La Paradeta chain is a great choice if you crave 100% fresh seafood for friendly prices. In fact, it's absolutely unique...

S'eating, Barcelona

S'eating, sited opposite the old market Mercat del Born, is perfect for late night dining. Its décor with laconic straight...

Passadis del Pep, Barcelona

One of the best sea food restaurants in Barcelona, a senior sibling of the legendary tapa bar Cal Pep. Located just...

Comerc 24, Barcelona

Comerç 24 definitely is an adventure of tastes! It's worth a visit if you are fascinated by a contemporary...

Mirablau, Barcelona

A bar famous for its view: it's located 400 metres above sea level, practically on the summit of Mount Tibidabo. The...

Gelateria Italiana, Barcelona

Simply the best ice-cream in Barcelona...

La Flauta, Barcelona

A wonderful tapas bar; everything is just so tempting and moreish that you have to stop yourself from overeating. This...

Cal Pep, Barcelona

As soon as you enter the place, you find yourself in front of something that looks very much like a marble kitchen...

Gaig, Barcelona

Gaig is an establishment with a history - it was founded in 1869 as a family tavern but Charles Gaig, the current...

El Mama, La Papa, Barcelona

El Mama, La Papa– yes, that’s the unusual name of a new café-restaurant in Barcelona. The owner wished to play with the idea of the dualities that dwell within each one of us...

Bar Canete, Barcelona

Caňete is a vibrant tapas bar favored by locals in the El Raval district of Barcelona - a neighborhood that, until recently, was known as the city's "wild child", i.e...

Tickets, Barcelona

El Bulli - the legendary restaurant, a star of the contemporary culinary stage, that closed its doors last July was recognized as the best restaurant...

Boqueria Market restaurants, Barcelona

The Boqueria Market (Mercat de la Boqueria) in Barcelona is a legendary place, and lunch in one of its central eating spots is an almost obligatory...

Quimet & Quimet, Barcelona

No bigger than a breadbox, or rather, the size of a small guest room, Quimet & Quimet is one of the most famous tapas bars in Barcelona...

Big Fish, Barcelona

Aside from La Paradeta restaurant, El Born area has yet another jewel to offer. Big Fish, designed in contemporary...

Cerveceria Catalana, Barcelona

A very good, traditional tapa bar. What is more and untypical for Barcelona, it is opened all day long. An ideal lunch...

Tapa C24, Barcelona

The same way as pubs for Brits, tapas bars are an irreplaceable socialization element for Catalonians. Lately...

Casa Calvet, Barcelona

Antoni Gaudí is an outstanding representative of modernism style architecture, and his works have become a symbol...

Formatgeria La Seu, Barcelona

A little cheese shop hidden away in the Barri Gòtic district; the owner is a Scottish lady whose name is Catherine...

Cacao Sampaka, Barcelona

A laboratory of experimental chocolate: cocoa of the highest quality and the most unusual fillers: chocolate...

Set Portes, Barcelona

This is the oldest and most legendary of Barcelona restaurants (founded in 1836) and listed in all tourist guide-books...

Flamant, Barcelona

A unique place - a real find. It's actually quite easy to miss since there is no restaurant sign outside. The first...