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Larelini, RigaNeputns, RigaPUTTI Art Gallery, RigaStendera Ziepju Fabrika, RigaButeljons, RigaFoldlife, Riga

Materia Bikes, Riga

Cēsu Street lies right on the shoulder of the centre of Riga, accommodating most different shops and facilities – from a small theatre costume shop to a large business quarters. And in the middle of it all stands “Materia Bikes” salon...

The Green Studio "Pienene", Riga

It is no secret that Latvians like to boil up many things, be it soap or trouble. Likewise, Latvians have long known the secrets of herbal medicine...

Hobbywool, Riga

Hobbywool is the Shangri-La for knitters. Everything in this store is one-of-a-kind, unique, natural and made by hand and with love...

Neputns, Riga

A certain book-generated calmness rules the atmosphere at the store of the Neputns publishing house, the best-known publisher of Latvian art books...

Charity House, Riga

The Charity House shop was created as a home and social platform for the charity portal. allows individuals and...

Buteljons, Riga

Buteljons is a glass makeover workshop where you can obtain artistic gifts and practical items for daily use made from recycled glass...

Foldlife, Riga

The Foldlife brand evolved from a project known as Ieloci un piemeties! (roughly translated as Fold-and-Sit-Down) which, originated in Latvian architectural circles...

RIIJA design objects and souvenirs, Riga

For centuries, the rija, or threshing barn, was one of the most important edifices in traditional Latvian farmsteads. The RIIJA design and lifestyle...

Rijada Design Studio and Gallery, Riga

Should you ever encounter anything designed by the Rijada Studio - anything at all: furniture, toys, fashion and style accessories - either in the public space or privately...

Studio Naturals, Riga

Natural flax fibres, hand-woven on wooden-frame looms using traditional techniques, create linen that meets the latest in modern design at Studio Naturals...

Natālija Jansone fashion design, Riga

Natālija Jansone is one of Latvia's brightest stars in the field of fashion design. A former model who studied the Korean language and culture in St. Petersburg...

Āgenskalns Market, Riga

This market in Pārdaugava small enough to get through on foot with ease, but large enough to offer a sufficient...

Jāņa Sēta map shop, Riga

Jāņa Sēta is one of only a few hundred specialized map and tourist literature shops around the globe. In fact, it has...

Gandrs, Riga

Although it is not yet possible to group Riga among Europe's bicycle-friendly cities, bicycling is becoming increasingly...

PUTTI Art Gallery, Riga

The PUTTI* Art Gallery is the only one in Riga representing such a wide circle of the best and most talented Latvian...

Jumava, Riga

After several years in the Old Town of Riga, the former „Central Antique Bookstore", like most other book shops...

Robert’s Books, Riga

One of the newest second-hand bookshops in the very centre of Old Riga, not far from the Saeima (Parliament) building...

The Museum of Applied Art and Design, Riga

The little shop inside the door of the Museum is a welcome refuge from the onslaught of nasty barrow souvenir vendors...

Larelini, Riga

The only retail outlet for the last remaining Latvian linen factory in Jelgava sells a wide range of colours and textures of linen...

Stendera Ziepju Fabrika, Riga

Created by the same Emīla Gustava Šokolāde team, the apothecary-like stores are an assault on the senses, the nose...

UPE, Riga

This branch of the UPE music retail and publishing house specialises in Latvian folk and world music, together...

One Wolf, Riga

There aren't many who have placed their finger on the pulse of urban life as deftly as Latvian fashion designer Agnese Narņicka. Her fashion label One Wolf is decidedly...

Desa un Co, Riga

When going to Centrāltirgus (Central Market) or a cultural event in the Spīķeri Quarter, it's worth stopping by the small bistro with the unpretentious name...

Cherry Picking, Riga

The creator of Cherry Picking says of himself: "...details and the 'dots on the i' are important to us. I always want to steal the cherry off the cake...

Kalnciema iela Market, Riga

The farmers' market at the intersection of Kalnciema iela and Melnsila iela provides Rigans with a much-appreciated alternative to standard...

BANG BANG shop & coffee, Riga

As an alternative art space and for the delight of its aficionados, BANG BANG develops concept projects in collaboration with Latvian artists...


ZoFA is a footwear brand created by the Latvian architect Elīna Dobele. It's not a result of a business plan, in fact, but an embodiment of...

MiiT cycling centre and café, Riga

If you wish to explore the Riga city centre by bicycle, then be sure to stop in at MiiT, a multi-functional centre for cycling enthusiasts...

Klase designer clothing and accessories, Riga

Klase means classroom in Latvian, and the name of this designer clothing shop was chosen for a reason. Klase is not only a clothing store...

Riga Central Market, Riga

The Riga Central Market is the largest and most prominent food market in the Baltic countries, not only due to its size, but also thanks to its curious blend...

Sakta flower market, Riga

Latvians often present flowers as gifts when visiting their friends and family members. This national, floral cult amazes tourists and reflects...

Interior Design Gallery Trentini, Riga

Autonomous islands of creativity are spread out all over the geography of Riga, and Sapņu fabrika (Dream Factory) is one of them...

Second Wind, Riga

Otrā Elpa - "The Second Wind" - is a place for conducting good works. Doing your part is not only easy, but can be...

Madam Bonbon, Riga

Madam Bonbon is obsessed with footwear. She adores shoes nearly to the point of fetishism, in fact. Her salon...

Night Market, Riga

Riga's Night Market can be found not far from the Central Market, next to the happening new Spīķeri "creative quarter"...

Vēsture, Riga

This second-hand bookstore is the farthest from the historical centre of the city, but its name - which translates as...

Planēta, Riga

A basement in the courtyard between Krišjāņa Barona and Tērbatas Streets, next door to the JRT theatre, is home...

Znak Wallpaper, Riga

This is a very clever website, concept and source of imaginative artisan wallpaper. All Siena (decor) shops at all major shopping...

Used Leather Clothing, Riga

The musty moth ball smelling 2nd floor interior is not for the faint hearted, however suede and leather coats and jackets...

Farmers Market of the Bergs Bazaar, Riga

The market place that has in recent years acquired almost the status of a cult object is the Green Market...

Lauma, Riga

The outlets for the popular Latvian underwear manufacturer stock imaginative alternatives to expensive high-end European...

Istaba, Riga

Quirky jewellery, decor, books (best stockist of Neputns Publishing House publications) and cards fill this tiny shop to the brim...