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Fashion industry belongs to the areas most damaged by the current global economic turbulence. Like a bolt from the blue, it has shaken the very fundaments of the industry’s former well-oiled system of values. The powerful „aftershocks” have left practically no-one untouched by the crisis, from the top of the luxury niche to the McDonalds of fashion, the likes of H&M and Zara, causing serious waves in the industry as a whole – including its previous price policy which has seen its bubble burst with a huge bang. However, as history has repeatedly demonstrated before, it is the aftermath of a storm that brings forth the healthiest new crop. It is as yet hard to predict the ways in which the industry will transform; nevertheless, certain signs are hard to miss even as you read this: for instance, the term trendy is definitely uncool these days – it is considered bad form, even. And heaven forbid letting it slip in banter that you happen to have bought an item of someone’s latest collection at a posh brand boutique – and for full price, at that! The done thing today is making sure you don’t pay through your nose for any „surplus value” beautifully wrapped in tissue paper – in other words, it is bringing the product closer to its proper value. Outlets have taken the place of posh boutiques designed by world-famous architects as THE addresses of today’s hippest shoppers. The truly stylish crowd would not even consider hiding the fact of frequenting brand outlets: on the contrary, fashionistas take huge pride in their new shopping habits. Here are a few addresses that just may come in useful.
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