Author: Anothertravelguide.com1 COMMENT
Marrakech is a mystery. One of the most mysterious cities in the world, a city that has become the muse for so many. A long time ago it was founded by the Berber tribes that had migrated from the Sahara and the Atlas Mountains and were much more liberal in their views than people who lived in the north of the country,
For almost 50 years Marrakech was governed by the French (and French, alongside Arabic, is the second language of this city); since the 19th century it has been an oasis for European intellectuals and artists. Among those who came looking for inspiration was Flaubert, André Gide, Henri Matisse.
In the 1960s Marrakech became the capital of the true bohemians, famous for the endless parties held by the likes of Saint Laurent and the Rolling Stones. Today it is definitely one of the world capitals of style - not only for the unique colours, fragrances, lights and the location (460 m above the sea level, between the Atlas Mountains and the Sahara desert), but also for its design and gastronomy.
It is a city to be visited in search of inspiration and pleasure. Marrakech is not an open book, its mystery has to be guessed. The seemingly faceless walls and medina buildings, most of them with windows that open only to the courtyard, hide real gems. You just have to find them yourself.
Reviewed by Una Meistere
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