Riad 12
Author: Anothertravelguide.com1 COMMENT
Riad 12 is located not far from Riad 72 and is owned by Giovanna's friends. The moment you step inside from the noisy and dark medina lane, filled with a bouquet of various smells and fragrances, into the white courtyard with its green plants and tiny pool, decorated with a bowl of floating roses, you will be overwhelmed by a feeling of having entered another world. The contrast between the world outside, in the street, and this one, hidden behind the thick wall, is so strong that you might even feel slightly dizzy at first. Above you - the Marrakech sky. Antique doors and walls, contemporary design. Soft sounds of music. And, while your luggage is being fetched in a "crate" of indeterminate colour, you can relax with some mint tea. The graceful art of pouring it has to be admired: the teapot is held high above the miniscule cup, and the fragrant liquid just babbles into it like a tiny brook. There are only three rooms in Riad 12; it's best to book the whole place. You will feel at home there instantly.
Rates: EUR 70-470
12 Derb Sarghnas, Dar el Bacha
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Grand maître voyant marabout du retour affectif
Spécialiste Problème Sentimentaux Et Des Couple.
Retour Définitif De L'être Aimé.
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Domaine de L'amour
Retour Affectif
Retour de l’Être aimé par la Haute Magie de d'amour
Se Faire aimé d'une personne - Attirer une femme ou un homme
Transformer une amitié en Amour - Protéger son Couple
Sauver son Couple.
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Éloignement Rivalité Amoureuse qui nuise a votre union conjugal
Envoûtement de Personne (Sort D'amour).
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