Riad Farnatchi
Author: Anothertravelguide.com1 COMMENT
Indisputably one of the most elegant riads in Marrakech. Opened in 2004 (by conjoining three separate smaller riads), it is owned by the same person who is the proprietor of the Parisian Hotel de la Tremoille. A symbiosis of European and Moroccan design - a stylish and informal ambience of a luxury family home. The riad has five suites (three of them are equipped with small balconies); dressing gowns and slippers are given away as gifts for the guests. Breakfast, of course, is served on a roof terrace. Finding the place will become an exciting adventure in itself - the riad is located in a corner of a marketplace, you just can't get there in a taxi.
Rates: EUR 280-370
2 Derb Farnatchi, Qua'at Benahid
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Grand maître voyant marabout du retour affectif
Spécialiste Problème Sentimentaux Et Des Couple.
Retour Définitif De L'être Aimé.
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Retour Affectif
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Envoûtement de Personne (Sort D'amour).
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