La Maison du Kaftan Marocain, Souk
Author: Anothertravelguide.com2 COMMENTS
The widest choice of caftans in the whole of Marrakech, although at first glance this hardly looks like the most attractive store in the city. It's slightly dusty and has the characteristic musty smell of a second-hand shop - it's somewhat hard to believe that once in a while people from the top fashion houses visit this place for a spot of industrial espionage.
65 Rue Sidi El Yamani, Mouassine, Medina
Your comments
Grand maître voyant marabout du retour affectif
Spécialiste Problème Sentimentaux Et Des Couple.
Retour Définitif De L'être Aimé.
il vous éclairera sur tous vos Problèmes et les résoudre rapidement.
Domaine de L'amour
Retour Affectif
Retour de l’Être aimé par la Haute Magie de d'amour
Se Faire aimé d'une personne - Attirer une femme ou un homme
Transformer une amitié en Amour - Protéger son Couple
Sauver son Couple.
Faire revenir son EX Rapidement Femme Homme Marie ou Autres - Rupture - Divorce
Éloignement Rivalité Amoureuse qui nuise a votre union conjugal
Envoûtement de Personne (Sort D'amour).
Résultat Rapide Et Efficace En 3 JOURS
Garantie A 100% De Réussite
Téléphone WhatsApp : +22 997 638 657
Visited: March 2007
I was shopping for an elegant, simple and comfortable evening outfit when I was referred to this shop. There I found a most beautiful black silk crepe djellaba pant suit trimmed in elaborate but clean yellow gold, both the top and pant. It's simplicity is timeless and has worked well for many occasions back stateside in California as well as return visits to Morocco. The dejllaba is of highest quality craftsmanship and I was able to negotiate a fair price for the outfit. I am of a little under average height and on the plump side but the clothes the shopkeeper had me try on looked like they were made to fit. The silk flows gently to fully flatter my figure and is the most comfortable evening wear I own! I love it and truly enjoyed my experience in the shop with my new Moroccan friends.