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Destinations · Asia · cambodia · Siem Reap · Where to eat · A Real Find

Sugar Palm

Author: Anothertravelguide.com1 COMMENT

When asked to name a restaurant with the most authentic Khmer cuisine in Siem Reap, most people will probably recommend Khmer Kitchen (and they do serve excellent food). And yet the place has one major shortcoming - it is located in the Old Market area (the epicentre of the whole tourist hustle and bustle) and is too well-known. You will be haunted by a persistent feeling that each and every one of the tourists currently staying in Siem Reap is sharing the room with you - and the only possible cause for someone actually not being here could be the fact that they were dining at the place the night before. Sugar Palm is a much better choice. The restaurant is located in a somewhat remote part of the city - it is one of those places you have to visit deliberately. Wonderful ambience - the restaurant occupies the second floor of a traditional wooden building designed in the classic style of Khmer architecture. Make sure you choose a table on the terrace. Excellent food - salad with herb shoots... Everything seems so mouth-wateringly tempting you have to take care not to order too much - which is something the realistic waiter is likely to point out to you. There is a bar in the centre of the room; it would be a shame not to order a cocktail or two. They do mix a mean cocktail, besides - excellent as the choice of wines at some Siem Reap restaurants is, it takes just a couple of days to come to the inevitable conclusion (well known from previous experience): wine is best enjoyed in the environment and climate naturally suited for the beverage...

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Visited: December 29th, 2009.

Sugar Palm came very highly recommended, but turned out to be a disappointing experience.

I get restless when I have to wait for my food for more than 30 minutes, and that's exactly what happened. Being a lone traveller made it a little more unpleasant when I had to sit all by myself waiting.

The beverage and starter came quite promptly though. But that didn't help because after I fininshed my starter, I had to wait a good 20-25 minutes for the main course. At one point before the main course arrived, I even paced around my table looking for an eye-contact with a waiter so that I could find out what was up with my food.

I looked around and saw that three other tables were also getting restless waiting for either their food or their bills.

The egg parcel and the bowl of Khmer traditional soup were my main course, and they were supposed to be served together as I was later informed by one of the owners. But the soup came before the egg parcel, and so I was halfway done with my rice when the egg parcel was served.

All was well as I was trying to carry on with my meal, and at the same time fighting the urge to make a scene, until I bit into a small chunk of salt. The unexpected burst of saltiness in my mouth made me choke slightly. As luck would have it, I was also done with my beverage at that point.

More than half the egg parcel was left untouched, and the same with the bowl of soup, when the lady owner showed up out of now here with my bill. I looked around and saw that some people are now staring at what transpired at my table. At the same time, these people were still waiting for their service. I must have asked for my bill before they did, or did I?

Lesson learned - be ready for a slow service at Sugar Palm.

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