Senteurs d’Orient
Author: Anothertravelguide.com0 COMMENTS
If you simply want to spoil yourself, or to bring back a useful souvenir that you would be glad to present as a gift to your friends, then it is well worth making a trip to the Senteurs d'Orient soap and cosmetics shop. The small, minimalist store is located right next to the Gruen Eatery, and everything that it carries is made in Lebanon from natural ingredients, in accordance with traditional recipes handed down over the generations.
Along with elegantly wrapped olive, peppermint, lavender, cedar, rose and other types of soap, the store offers an exclusive, revitalizing skin oil named Rosée d'Oasis. Free of synthetic ingredients and mineral oils, it restores the skin to its original radiance and gives it a smooth, silky shine.
Clemenceau St, Gefinor Centre