Moooi Gallery
Author: Anothertravelguide.com0 COMMENTS

Moooi Gallery is the renowned Dutch designer Marcel Wander's design gallery based around the principle of 'a collection of everything possible'. And that is exactly what it looks like: a giant white room (850 square metres) that serves as a stage for some of the craziest design ideas - a showroom and a platform for inspiration in one, featuring 'spider' chandeliers; lighting fixtures designed as black life-size racing horses saddled with colourful rugs; 'monster' chairs and a perfectly choreographed chaos of a million of things, at times reminiscent of a 21st-century take on Salvador Dalí, the granddad of Surrealism. Walls are lined with lopsided, slanted cabinets and shelves - a contemporary design world of distorting mirrors where nothing is quite what it looks like and yet everything is exactly what it looks like. It is a perfect source of inspiration should you suddenly be grabbed by a sudden overwhelming wish to stage a mischievous revolution at your own living space. Never you doubt - that is exactly what is going to happen after a visit to the Moooi Gallery.
187 Westerstraat