Saatchi Gallery
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The Saatchi Gallery opened its door at the first part of 2008 in Chelsea, in a building with the estimated area of 50 000 m²: It is said to be the perfect place to enjoy the experience of art. Charles Saatchi is, without doubt, one of the most influential figures in British art; he is a collector who has found himself in the epicentre of more than one huge scandal. The biggest of them all was probably the Sensation exhibition that was greeted by public outrage in London and the ex-mayor Giuliani's anger in New York.
Today Saatchi states his gallery's objective as introducing hitherto unknown young artists to the British public and bringing to London internationally acclaimed artists whose work hasn't been exhibited in the UK.
In 2005 Saatchi launched his Triumph of Painting exhibition series the third part of which - Abstract America - will be presented in the new premises of the gallery.