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Jewellery by Artists: From Picasso to Koons, an exhibition organised by the culture and art portal

Destinations · Europe · united kingdom · London · Essence ·


Author: Anothertravelguide.com1 COMMENT

Art indeed seems to confirm London's status as Europe's leading metropolis. In London, described by its famous citizen, Charles Dickens, as a "magic lantern" of his source of inspiration, the art industry of today sublimates itself, deeply amazing and exciting the contemporary world for nearly two decades. London has become one of the most favored art world destinations - the Tate Gallery exhibitions are significant events on European cultural scene and the White Cube Gallery, owned by the renowned art dealer Jay Jopling, never fails to stir up a scandal or at the very least to intrigue. Damien Hirst's diamond-encrusted skull was exhibited there in summer 2007 and in 2008 it presented an exhibition of the Chapman Brothers. Speaking of art, one shouldn't miss out London's East End - a location to visit if you wish to surrender the city never featured on glossy postcards.
Although typical traits of the former empire are still the ones London is related with, it is a huge city now and can be covered either by taxi that hasn't changed much since it first appeared in the streets, or a red double-decker - another symbol of London. London is not a city of calm pace or serene contemplation. It's rather a crazy race with amazing things discovered and thoughts awakened on your way. Even passing through the famous Hyde Park, you'd observe more joggers than those who simply enjoy the sunshine and lushness of its lawns. Moreover - everyone can discover one's own London - unique and entirely different. It may perhaps not even overlap with someone else's London. One thing in common, however, is that in London you can inhale the very essence of style, fashion, art, design and gastronomy. Returning home feels like descending from the mountains - your blood is supersaturated with oxygen of impressions, giving energy and inspiration for long time ahead.

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