Author: Anothertravelguide.com1 COMMENT
Always good to know where the whole thing started, and it did start with Morgans Hotel, opened in 1983 by the owners of the legendary Studio 54, the tempestuous duo of hoteliers Ian Schrager (see Gramercy Park Hotel) and Steve Rubell: the cult of boutique hotels spread all over the world like a virus. At the time Schrager hadn't started his flirt with Philippe Starck yet, and the interior of Morgans Hotel was designed by the classic of French minimalism Andrée Putman (she has recently carried out a bit of renovation work in the hotel). And that's not the end of it - just like Morgans started a revolution in the world of hotel design, so its Asia de Cuba restaurant was the pioneer of fusion cuisine that went on to triumph in restaurant kitchens all over the world. Designed by Starck and opened in 1997, it is still extremely popular among restaurant-goers.
237 Madison Avenue (between the 37th and 38th Streets), Uptown
Price: from USD 359
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Tous mes travaux sont garantir au bon résultat et n'aura aucune répercutions sur vous même, car il s'agit ici de magie banche.
Faites comme tout le monde, osez et soyez satisfaits.
Prix promotionnel du porte monnaie magique.
Pour plus d'informations, vos besoins de conseil, vos commandes,
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