Gramercy Park Hotel
Author: Anothertravelguide.com1 COMMENT
You will probably agree - there are not an awful lot of hotels in the world that wouldn't budge and offer a discount even on a slow day: USD 525 and not a cent less. "This is a Schrager hotel," politely explains the girl behind the reception counter. And that says it all. Ian Schrager, the icon of the 1970s legendary Studio 54 nightclub and a string of cult design hotels opened later, is a brand that speaks for itself. Unlike the former eight-hotel empire (which Schrager was forced to sell last year), the interior of Gramercy Park Hotel was created by Julian Schnabel, well known in circles of contemporary art, not his faithful collaborator Philippe Starck. Finding yourself in Gramercy Park Hotel straight from the New York of skyscrapers, you will be instantly enveloped by a lovely homey feeling. The ceiling and walls are made of warm brown wood, there's a Venetian glass chandelier, a seemingly wonky antique table (with a black phone worthy of becoming a museum exhibit), modern art and a burning fireplace in the lobby. Not just any old purely decorative thing but a real one, with spitting logs. And what a smell! The aroma of a live, warm, just-lit fire follows you everywhere - in both bars, even in the lift cabin. "We have our little secrets", the staff explain with a smile. The smell leaves you only inside the room where the accent of bohemian design is the velvet throw casually draped over the bed. The aftertaste of velvet and the fireplace will linger for days to come.
2 Lexington Avenue (near 22nd Street)
Price: from USD 525
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