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The Modern and The Bar Room

Author: Anothertravelguide.com1 COMMENT

No museum in the world can boast a better restaurant than MoMa's The Modern and its somewhat more democratic sibling, The Bar Room - particularly combined with a visit to the museum itself. If you have had any doubts before that these two things - good art and gastronomy - can be compared (the latter does, after all, deal with satisfaction of purely utilitarian bodily functions, I'll wager my lunch money that after a visit to The Modern you will become an equally passionate advocate of the opposite view.
If one of the most valuable features of the Dining Room is the view on the Sculpture Garden (ambient mood, candles, white tablecloths, behind the window - pieces by Henry Moore, Pablo Picasso etc., and a separate entrance means that you can visit this place as a destination in itself), then The Bar Room is more like dotting the i's and crossing the t's after a couple of hours worth of great art.
The first thing an aesthetically trained eye notices is two walls: one completely covered with wine bottles, the other - by a Thomas Demand's landscape in a Zen mood. Speaking of gastronomy - excellent tuna tartare and the Modern cheesecake with fresh mango. The palette of flavours and textures is so vivid that it will make any similar dessert tasted elsewhere seem like a pale imitation. Mmm...

9 West 53rd Street (between 5th and 6th Avenues), Midtown
Phone 1 212 333 1220

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