Author: Kerija Kalēja1 COMMENT
Apotheke is a specialty cocktail bar or, to put it more precisely, a laboratory for cocktail creation with its own school and mixology gurus. Only very particular spirits and organic ingredients are being used there. Its décor inspired by the 19th century Paris goes well together with a cocktail named Heart of Gold, for example. This concoction of house-made passion fruit puree, vodka, vanilla cognac and ground vanilla bean may easily entice you into trying something else, too.
9 Doyers Sreet
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Retour Définitif De L'être Aimé.
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Domaine de L'amour
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Sauver son Couple.
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Éloignement Rivalité Amoureuse qui nuise a votre union conjugal
Envoûtement de Personne (Sort D'amour).
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