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10 Places for Creative Work in Riga

Latvian University Humanities and Social Sciences Research Centre Reading Room – Kerkovius's houseKim? Library and RIXC Mediatheque in Spīķeri Creative QuarterNice place MansardsKafka kafija Miit WorksVietaKuuka kafeWorking Space (Darba vieta)Robert's BooksCo-working Space 'Birojnīca'« BACK « TO BEGINNING


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Connoisseur's Guide · Europe · latvia · Riga · 10 Places for Creative Work in Riga

Latvian University Humanities and Social Sciences Research Centre Reading Room – Kerkovius's house

Author: Agita Salmiņa10 COMMENTS

Latvian University Humanities and Social Sciences Research Centre Reading Room – Kerkovius's house

Although this "Oxford type" reading room featuring massive wood doors with carvings and shiny parquet floors is a specialized one, it is available to anyone with no limitations at all, but the most useful it would be for those who conduct their research works in the field of Humanities. The library is located in the historic Kerkovius's family house. Merchant Ludwig Wilhelm Kerkovius (1831-1904) was the Mayor of Riga from 1890 to 1901. He, among other things, was an initiator of the construction of Riga Museum of Arts and his family contributed greatly to its basic collection. They also donated a significant collection of books to the Library of the University of Latvia, part of them are available in this reading room. On the second floor, there is a wonderful hall for social events and gatherings furnished with a stage and offering a beautiful view over Esplanade Park. It also boasts a cozy, 19th-century style relaxation corner with a charming pink sofa and a coffee table. The library is available not only for students and researchers but to anyone who cares spending some time in its comfortable, modern and stimulating atmosphere. As soon as you get yourself registered as a library's guest, you can access not only books and databases, but also use printer, photocopier and wireless Internet, even rent a computer. Opening hours are Monday to Friday from 10.00 to 18.00.
4 Kalpaka Boulevard


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Alexander Ethan

Visited: 11:26 am

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Andrew Kriver

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Andrew Kriver

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Contact/Whatsapp: +39 350 929 0318


Erin West

Visited: 5;29

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Visited: 4.10

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Ronda Gulak

Visited: 07;20

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