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20 of the World’s Most Legendary and Unique Theatres

Renaissance TheatrePiccolo Teatro di MilanoDeutsches TheaterBerliner EnsembleKungliga Dramatiska TeaternThéatre de la VilleSadler's WellsHebbel-am-UferThéatre de l'OdéonThe Old VicShakespeare's GlobeWyndham's TheatreThe Kitchen New YorkRadialsystem VLe Théatre du SoleilSchool of Dramatic ArtThéatre des Bouffes du NordComédie-FrancaiseEpidaurusBurgtheaterTeatro Argentina« BACK « TO BEGINNING


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Connoisseur's Guide · Europe · united kingdom · London · 20 of the World’s Most Legendary and Unique Theatres

Sadler's Wells

Author: Margarita Zieda1 COMMENT

Nothing remains of the ancient architecture of London's Sadler's Wells. Today, it is a newly built modern and capacious playhouse running all the latest, most innovative and unexpected dance productions created worldwide. Sadler's Wells - London's Dance House is one of the most powerful top-quality guest performance venues in Europe.
And yet the theatre itself, as well as its location, can boast over three hundred years' worth of exciting history. The original 1683 'Musick House' owed its name to its founder Richard Sadler. When the builders, digging the grounds, accidently stumbled upon a spring, it seemed only natural to include a reference to it as a creative symbol in the name of the new cultural establishment. Thus, Sadler's Wells was born.
In the early 1900s it was the place where the great British tragedy actor Edmund Kean and the first modern clown Joseph Grimaldi performed. According to some reports, the level of public drinking culture in the neighbourhood was so low that the administration of Sadler's Wells was forced to hire people to escort their viewers safely home after the performances.
It was not always just music, dance and theatre that allowed the owners of Sadler's Well to keep their heads above the water: the place housed at different times a roller skating rink, a box arena, a picture house and a music hall. It was only in the 1930 that excellent dance artists started to appear at Sadler's Wells. The current Sadler's Wells, opened in 1998, is already the sixth playhouse built on this plot.
A smaller dance stage - the Lilian Baylis Theatre - is also operating under the wing of Sadler's Wells; its repertoire comprises unconventional studio productions.


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