Shakespeare's Globe
Author: Margarita Zieda1 COMMENT

Shakespeare's Globe Theatre lays claims to a status of more than just an appealing tourist landmark; it wants to be taken very seriously as no less than an international laboratory of Shakespeare productions. The Globe was built according to a design based on historical sketches and descriptions of Shakespeare's original playhouse, aiming to keep it as authentic as possible - admittedly, with the exception of certain details. Thus, the builders retained both the original choice of material - wood - and the open-air principle (Shakespeare's Globe was and still is a roofless theatre building), however, drawing the line at the open loo; in Shakespeare's time, it was actually a simple bucket placed in the auditorium; it suited the male part of the audience - i.e., the majority - just fine. Times have changed; at the rebuilt Globe Theatre, opened in 1997, the emphasis of authenticity lays on the theatre space and rules of performance. The spectators have the choice of sitting or watching the performance while standing in front of the stage.
When getting ready to visit this playhouse, it is well worth the while to give some thought to the practical side of your clothing: after all, the performances do take place in the open air. While umbrellas are banned; raincoats are allowed and can even be bought on the spot.
Alongside its theatre programme, Shakespeare's Globe also houses the world's most extensive exhibition dedicated to the Bard and the productions of his plays through the centuries.
There are plans to build a small Jacobean indoor theatre, based on an original design by Inigo Jones, to house performances during the winter season.
21 New Globe Walk
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