La Fromagerie
Author: Mārtiņš Rītiņš1 COMMENT

La Fromagerie cheese cellar is like a hidden gem among the shops and restaurants of Marylebone area of central London. A cherished project of Patricia Michelson boasts to sell up to 400 different sorts of cheese.
It all started with a 40 kg wheel of Beaufort Chalet d'Alpage, which she brought home and sold from her garden shed 20 years ago. It went so fast that instantly triggered a much deeper interest. Michelson started thorough studies of this refined gastronomic area and now has become a respected expert and a supplier of the top restaurants of London and the United Kingdom.
La Fromagerie represents not only the leading cheese-producing countries, like England, France and Italy but offers rare and superb sorts of cheese even from as far as Tibet and Argentina. The owner of the store knows the origin of every cheese and closely collaborates with numerous producers. She is familiar with every step of production process and even knows from where does milk for each particular cheese comes from. No mass production is to be found there - solely production of artisan cheese makers.
All the La Fromagerie treasures are placed on wooden shelves on straw mats and preserved at best suitable temperature. Each cheese is available for tasting.
Some sorts of cheese are matured right at La Fromagerie cellar. Patricia is passionate about fine quality of cheese and takes personal care that maturing process is carefully observed. Depending on type, cheeses are washed and turned around, cared and nurtured, and only the best quality products find their place on those shelves. They all are ripened to their best flavor naturally, without speeding up the process. La Fromagerie cheeses do not come cheap, yet they boast exclusive value for money.
Aside from cheese, the shop offers a selection of biological products, e.g., extra virgin olive oil, beans and popular in Latvia grey peas, this time grown in France. It sells also spices, seasonable fruit and vegetables.
La Fromagerie features also a café with few small tables and large communal table - a choice that becomes increasing popular among restaurant-goers. It serves daily changing, simple yet excellent meals, superb coffee and wine from the best wineries.
Patricia Michelson is the author of the well-known book Cheese, subtitled The World's Best Artisan Cheeses. Through the written word and numerous photos, the author acquaints us with the world's most tempting samples of cheese, and its 300 pages seem exuding not only delicious aroma of cheese but also freshness of lush grassy meadows. It's a genuine guide into the diverse world of cheese-making traditions and flavors.
2-6 Moxon Street
London W1U 4EW
Posted 05/2010
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