Wheeler's Restaurant
Author: Mārtiņš Rītiņš1 COMMENT

Wheeler's Restaurant exudes peace and tranquility and is a place to go to get a taste of deep-rooted English traditions.
Some of the Wheeler's original seafood and meat recipes are treasured for over a century (since 1856) and have been developed and refined by the most prominent English chefs.
Perfectly positioned in the very heart of London, Wheeler's is just a short way off Piccadilly Circus, Buckingham Palace and the Ritz Hotel. The restaurant features a classic, redwood décor, large tables and crisp, snow-white tablecloths. Fascinating yet controversial collection of women's photos adorn its walls. The restaurant boasts a large dining area, and a top-floor cocktail bar can comfortably accommodate at least twenty more eaters. At the same time, Wheeler's policy is not to accept large groups, avoiding therefore excessive hustle and allowing its guests to enjoy peace and tranquility.
Wheeler's sticks to moderation in any other sense as well, for instance, in its simple, no frills food presentation. Quality is what matters most, and Wheeler's never fails to prove it.
One might be displeased to find out that some fish on the menu is no more available already early in the evening, yet it's only due to the fact that the restaurant procures its daily fresh catch straight from farms, and perhaps that hasn't been a favorable day for particular type of fish. It attests to high quality, which is not the case if seafood comes from a freezer.
At Wheeler's you can order fish cooked or fried in your favorite way, proving chef's professionalism and flexibility.
The staff is attentive, yet not over the top, with a slight touch of humor, and it's a pledge of a pleasant evening.
Before ordering your favorite meal, it's apt to take a glass of wine and, although the wine list is not very vast, the choice of wines available by glass is large enough, possible only due to a substantial turnover.
Wheeler's menu comprises fantastic grilled fish dishes, steaks, steamed fish, raw fish, soups and salads.
Especially praiseworthy is plainly prepared squid, exuding freshness of the sea - breaded and fried in clean, first-rate oil, crisp and served with lemon and garlic mayo. Worth trying is fish soup with saffron that has a fabulous, silky texture.
Lemon sole in fish & chips is just excellent! Although it's a very habitual, widely available dish, Wheeler's has made it exceptional - a crisp crust, filled with air bubbles, covers amazingly fresh and tender steamed fish.
Fish pie is beyond comparison as well! According to the best standards, Wheeler's classic fish pie is served in a ceramic bowel, sizzling and steaming, right from the oven. It comes along with potatoes and light sauce.
For those who crave meat, Wheeler's menu contains calf liver, lamb ribs, pork chops and seasonal game dishes, matched up with spinach, cauliflower or French fries made from carefully selected potatoes, crisp and mealy.
As for cheeses - the restaurant offers only the traditional, firm British cheeses, which, without doubt, can compete with the famous French ones.
A meal can be finished with a dessert that brings about sweet childhood memories. The offer consists of traditional English sweet dishes - a bread and butter pudding, toffee pudding, and Eton Mess - ice cream, crumbled meringue, fresh berries and berry sauce - so much tastes and textures, all in one dish.
Beer shouldn't be neglected either, and Wheeler's offer as many as eight different sorts of beer!
72-73 St. James's, London, SW1A 1PH
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